Skin and Bones.

No, the title is NOT self explanatory. It just explains how my life was until 2 years back.

From the time I was a child, I was thin. Skinny. Bony. Enough to annoy people around me, and enough to eat 12 pooris (Yes, true story) and not care a damn.

What changed it all? Maggi. Sole reason my metabolism failed me. And maybe, that it was due to happen anyway. Also, standing on the weighing scale on my trip home this time, gave me a not-so-pleasant reality check.

I digress.

I got to college on Sunday. I realized, that it has been 3 semesters, and my hostel borders an awesome swimming pool that has been used twice in totality. I jumped in (and almost freezed) on Monday evening. Best.Swim.Ever.

On Tuesday, I went for Zumba class. A friend here takes them, I’d been for one or two but had not gone seriously. Best evening of my life.

I’m not the best dancer. I’d like to think that I’m not appalling, but I’m no Ginger Rogers. But I still went, and it was the most therapeutic experience.

To start with, it was good to know that my stamina has significantly improved. That I didn’t fall down and faint after one song, and lasted through six/seven was an achievement by itself. It’s hard to not have a good time when there’s someone there teaching you, with the most encouraging smile on her face. She makes you believe that you don’t dance like a klutz, that it’s not the most difficult thing in the planet, and all this with a smile that automatically makes you smile.

And then there’s the dance by itself. It’s hard to not have fun when you’re practically flying across the dance hall to the tune of ‘Moves like Jagger’. Okay not flying exactly, but jumping in sync to the music.

And the best part? We cooled down to ‘Fix You’. Just when I’d thought the session couldn’t have been better, due to the above mentioned reasons and the fact that I lasted through the entire session without sitting down, the song played.

We cooled down with some stretches. While everyone else touched their toes, I touched my shins (I have long legs and shorter hands so, you get the drift). And stretched.

And as we closed our eyes, emptied our heads and breathed in, these words echoed in the background- 

‘Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you’
It did. And I went for my second session of the week, today.


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